This article is a step by step guide on color corrections using adobe lightroom. Strategies discussed in this article will help you to master color corrections and get accurate colors while post-processing image in adobe lightroom.
[Read more…] about The Seven-step strategy to get beautiful colors in Adobe LightroomHow I reduced my image post processing time by 300% , and you can too !
Here are top techniques to post process your images using Adobe Lightroom. This definitive guide will help you to make your images look awesome for web and print. These Adobe Lightroom techniques will significantly save your post processing time as well.
[Read more…] about How I reduced my image post processing time by 300% , and you can too !Top 10 Wildlife Photography Tips
Wildlife photography is an adventurous journey. When you start wildlife photography, you will be looking for things like – which is the best camera for wildlife photography, what are the wildlife photography books to read. Most importantly what are the wildlife photography settings and wildlife photography tips that you should apply to take the best wildlife images.
[Read more…] about Top 10 Wildlife Photography Tips